We pulled it off without a hitch! See some photos of the event here and we hope to see you next year!
Notes: Jump to updates below
This event will showcase 75 outstanding small boats in the water and an additional 25-30 on dry land. The dates are July 26-27 at Port Ludlow Marina on beautiful Port Ludlow Bay just 13 nautical miles south of Port Townsend. With terrific views of the Olympic Mountain range, and protected waters, the bay is perfect for a small-boat gathering—and as a bonus, we have secured virtually all guest-moorage slips in the marina, assuring that we’ll be able to display a wide range of small-boat designs along one contiguous dock, and in one upland area close to the boats that are in the water.

During the SBF, participants with in-the-water boats will be free to row, sail, paddle, pedal or motor their boats around the bay…offering rides if they wish, or having their boats photographed for a video documentary by Off Center Harbor, the Maine-based production company.
We’re already planning for a few areas of special focus: Electric small craft and human-powered small boats, so there will be areas set aside for those boats and some presentations made on subjects like the increasing practicality of electric power; comparisons between rowing, paddling and pedal-powered small craft; and tips on how to get beyond day use and start camp-cruising your smaller boat.
Sponsors of the SBF #
Additional sponsors will be announced in coming weeks, but our initial list includes the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding, Duckworks Boat Builders Supply, Small Craft Advisor magazine, Gig Harbor Boat Works, Glen-L Marine, Port Ludlow Marina and of course our organizing group, the Pacific Northwest Pocket Yachters. We sincerely thank our sponsors and encourage all participants in the Small Boat Festival to support their products and services.
Show off your boat #
Even though nearby Port Townsend hosts its big annual Wooden Boat Festival, the SMALL BOAT FESTIVAL will absolutely not be limited to wooden boats. (Focus of the event will be on attractive and functional designs, so we expect a lot of older fiberglass production sailboats, along with homebuilt wooden watercraft. Everything from SCAMPs to slippery full-keel classics; and from rowing, paddling, pedaling and engine-powered boats to SUP’s, canoes, custom kayaks and other small watercraft.)
Boats will arrive at Port Ludlow on Friday, July 26, and the SBF will take place all day on Saturday the 27th, with the public invited to attend between the hours of 10 and 6. Registered skippers and their crews will enjoy dinner in the marina’s huge Pavilion tent Saturday evening, along with terrific raffle prizes and visits from some luminaries in the world of small boats.
Further details #
Trailer launching options #
Launching trailer boats isn’t possible inside Port Ludlow Bay, but there are a number of ramps in the area—the best being the paved all-tides ramp at Port Townsend’s Boat Haven Marina.
Boats can also be launched at:
- the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding in Port Hadlock (7.2 nautical miles north of Port Ludlow)
- the Mats Mats Bay ramp (4 nautical miles to the north)
Overnight parking of tow rigs is very limited at Port Hadlock and Mats Mats Bay, and no empty boat trailers can be parked at Port Ludlow Marina, so the best bet might be launching in Port Townsend and cruising south to Port Ludlow on Friday…or even turning the transit into a slightly longer mini-cruise by—(just for instance)—launching in Port Townsend on July 24, overnighting in Mystery Bay on nearby Marrowstone Island that night, then Mats Mats Bay the second night (Thursday the 25th), before arriving at the SMALL BOAT FESTIVAL venue by Friday afternoon, July 26.
Important - no trailer parking at Ludlow! #
NO EMPTY BOAT TRAILERS can be accommodated at Port Ludlow Marina…just cars and trucks. So if you’re launching a boat for in-the-water display on Thursday or Friday, please leave the empty trailer on one of the side streets in the Boat Haven launch-ramp area. (If you cannot find a creative spot to park the empty trailer, call or text Marty at 360-390-2111, or get in touch with Denis Wang the same way at 360-643-8838. We may have some thoughts on where a small number of empty trailers can be stashed in the Port Hadlock area. Fellow SBF organizer Bob Miller, 360-531-0364, might have additional thoughts on where a few trailers might be stashed in Port Townsend.)
Check out time from Port Ludlow #
Check-out from SBF moorage slips will be noon on Sunday, unless individual boat owners wish to stay longer, paying regular guest-slip rates to extend their stay. If skippers wish to display an additional boat, either in the water or on land, a reduced $50 fee will apply for the second small boat registered.
Watch this space for further logistical details.
Not showing a boat? #
All are welcome, and there is no entrance fee for those who wish to come and see the boats and walk the docks. However, do note that food is included only with the boat registration fee, and please be careful not to park in the main marina parking lot, as that will be used by tenants and their guests. Parking instructions are below.
Parking instructions for the SBF #
The Small Boat Festival will have three smaller parking areas dedicated exclusively to registered SBF participants, their crewmembers and other small-boat nuts who want to see the show. Small Boat Festival signs will be visible as folks turn off of Oak Bay Road to enter the marina — look for them as you drop down the hill toward the main lower-level lot. The first will be on your right as you begin a series of downhill turns toward the water. (It’ll be right across from the small Library building used by Ludlow residents.) The second will be a few hundred feet farther down the hill after you’ve made a right turn toward the marina lot (it’ll be on your right, too, and marked with SBF signage). And the third small parking area will be a gravel strip at the top of the final hill leading down to the main marina lot — again, marked with SBF signage. We will try to have volunteer parking assistants on duty Friday and at least early Saturday…look for folks in bright-colored vests, and please follow their suggestions on where, exactly, to park.
Delivering boats for land display #
If you’re delivering a small land-display boat to the SBF on Friday, you’ll continue all the way down into the main marina parking lot, to deposit the boat on its trailer…or maybe offload a smaller boat that might be displayed on a boat stand, or simply on the grassy area around the big, white Pavilion tent. Important detail: Turn right into the marina lot at the first or second opportunity, so that you do a counter-clockwise loop to the far end of the lot, and around to the left in front of the big Pavilion tent. That way, all land-display trailers will be pushed by hand into a single-file line along the curb edge. (After dropping off your land-display trailer or boat, you’ll simply head back uphill to park your tow vehicle in one of the three designated SBF-only lots.)
So, again, the only big No-No’s when it comes to parking on Friday or Saturday:
- Do not park in the main marina lot at the bottom of the hill, behind the marina store and office;
- Do not even think about parking in the main Beach Club lot,
- Please, please do not try to park near the Port Ludlow Resort (hotel) building, or anywhere near adjoining townhouses or condos. These are all off-limits…but you should find enough space in the three SBF sign-identified lots mentioned above.
Registration is now closed #
Registration is now closed, but if you have any questions please reach out to us directly in email - pnwpocketyachters@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you in Port Ludow July 27th!
Registration details #
Registration fee for the two-day festival is $75 which includes
- in-the-water moorage or dry-land display
- the Saturday evening dinner
Attendance without a boat is free, please see parking instructions above.