Below you will find like-minded clubs and organizations in the Pacific Northwest.

Oregon Coots Traditional Small Craft Association #
Our friends just a little ways to the south in Oregon often swing up our way to join in messabouts, and vice versa. Visit their website.

The Center For Wooden Boats #
Located on Lake Union in Seattle WA, the Center for Wooden Boats promotes northwest maritime heritage through education, interpretation and hands-on experience in building, maintaining and using historic small craft. Visit their website.

Northwest Maritime Center #
Located in Port Townsend, WA, the Northwest Maritime Center’s mission is to engage and educate people of all generations in traditional and contemporary maritime life, in a spirit of adventure and discovery. The Northwest Maritime Center is partnered with the Pocket Yachters in the creation and running of the Salish 100 event. Visit their website.

The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding #
Located in Port Hadlock, WA, the schools mission is to teach and preserve boatbuilding and marine systems skills while developing the individual as a craftsperson. Visit their website.

Gig Harbor BoatShop #
A non-profit focused on delivering programs focused on boat restoration and repair, boatbuilding, and boat use, out of the historic Eddon Boatyard in Gig Harbor, WA. Visit their website.

Small Craft Advisor #
Originally based in Port Townsend, WA, Small Craft Advisor offers small boat reviews, adventures stories, boatbuilding tips, boat designs, and much more. Their SCAMP boat project with designer John Welsford become a huge hit, producing one of the most popular Pocket Yachts in the Pacific Northwest and in other areas of the world. Visit their substack.

Duckworks Boat Building Supply #
Located in Port Townsend, this mail order boaters supply is a very nice resource for small boat plans, building supplies, and a huge variety of marine hardware. Visit their website.

Fisheries Supply #
Located in Seattle and serving boat builders and mariners around the world, this is a friend to boating in the Pacific Northwest, often sponsoring events such as the Race to Alaska. Visit their website.